About us

Broušení Bruslí.CZ

Naše firma provádí plně automatické broušení bruslí na programovatelném profesionálním stroji firmy DupliSkate. Brousíme brusle dětské, hokejové, brankářské, krasobrusle,

Oba naši zaměstnanci prošli náročným odborným školením přímo ve výrobním závodě firmy DupliSkate. v kanadském Montrealu. Bohužel to časem můj kolega vzdal a tak jsem na to zůstal sám…

I am making the professional and custom skate sharpening on most modern DupliSkate machine according the weight and ability of each player. Brousení-Brusli cz is a small family owned company providing most professional skates sharpening in Prague area. I am proud that the Brouseni-Brusli CZ is the leading online source for custom skate sharpening and radiusing with skaters from around the Czech Republic and even from Europe. I pride myself in my personalised customer service, and my attention to details. While I may not be as big as one of those chain hockey stores that tries to be everything to everybody at the expense of service and quality. My objective is simply this… to offer expert advice and to ensure my customers are not treated like just another sale.

I am doing only skate sharpening. Brouseni-Brusli CZ is not an another Hockey Shop. What I am doing is the custom and professional skates sharpening for almost all types of the skates – professional’s, children’s, figure skating skates etc. – not only for professional players, but for all.
My colleague and me went through the training in the Dupliskate factory in Montreal, Canada to ensure superb result for reasonable price.

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